Our friends and sponsors

»Verein der Förderer des Bademuseums Bad Elster e. V.«

The association's duty is to promote cultural causes, in particular the rebuilding of the Elster Museum, which was first founded on February 26, 1880, in connection with the collection, care and maintainance of cultural values concerning the history of Bad Elster, its cultural, scientific and spa facilities, as well as supporting the operations of the bathhouse museum. The association served beyond the actual tasks as..... at the same time until December 31, 2002.
Support organisation of the museum. Anyone aged 15 or over as well as corporate bodies (such as corporations, public authorities, associations and other institutions) may become a member.

Board of Directors:

Géza Nemeth (President)
Martin Schwarzenberg (Chairman)
Annett Schlott (Treasurer)
Erika Franke (Secretary)